
Raised of $500 Goal

This will be my third JLF Trek. In 2016 I completed the JLF Trek through the Victorian Goldfields and in 2017 I took part in the JLF Trek in Victor Harbour South Australia.

My motivation to undertake this trek is to raise funds for a deserving foundation, The Jodi Lee Foundation. It is this foundations mission to empower people to take active steps to prevent bowel cancer.

My mother Lyn had two dances with the bowel cancer devil. Her second dance did not have a spin or a dip. In 2015 mums final dance was over.

I aim to make a difference by helping spread the important messaged that early detection of of bowel cancer can be made through regular screening, acting quickly on symptons, knowing your family history and leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

The JLF Trek will be another adverture from which friendships will grow through challenging ourselves physically and mentally. I am looking foward to experiencing the unique sense of camaraderie with the other participants as we all come together for a wonderful cause.


From Amount Message
Anonymous $50 Well done Maree.
Larissa Harper $20 Thinking of you Maree- You've got this!!!
Tracie Wilson $40 You're inspirational Maree
Anonymous $50 you're inspirational
Sharon Burgess $25 You’ve got this BB! Very inspirational xx
Despi O’Connor $25 Your support for this cause is unwavering. Your mum would be proud!
Slade Shaw $40 Proud of you ❤️
Mark Nugent $70 Liking the commitment to such a great cause, love you
Catherine Hawkins $50 You can do it . Be thinking of you all the way
Stacey Murphy $50 Your a champion! Good luck. Xx
Danielle McMullen $50 So proud of you Maree. Xxx
Joy Clancy $100 This is a great cause! Go Maree, your Mum would be so proud! Xx
Sue Dean $100 Good Luck, i’ll be with you in spirit xx
Jaala Mayer $25 Love watching your training - you are going to smash this x
Kathryn Faggotter $30 I'm sure you will smash it Maree. Hope the rain stays away.
Anne McMahon $25 Good luck!! Great cause.