
Raised of $500 Goal

My beautiful friend Erin lost her fight with stage 4 bowel cancer in November 2022, she was only in her early 40's and leaves behind 2 young children.

In this same year, my Dad was also diagnosed with stage 2 bowel cancer and unfortunately, after an initial positive prognosis, we have only recently been given the news that Dad's cancer has now spread to his liver, kidney, lung and more in his colon.

I am signing up for the 70.5km trek in memory of Erin - taken far too soon and in acknowledgement of Dad's journey with this awful disease so far.

We need to raise money for this important cause and raise awareness to prevent bowel cancer, detected early, it can be cured.


From Amount Message
Sandra Elias $100 You got this girl!!
Sportitude $200 Wishing you the best on the massive physical & mental challenge ahead Collette, everyone from the Sportitude & Intersport HT team support you in doing this to raise much needed funds and awareness for this worthy cause!
Anonymous $120 Thank you Collette, you are truly an inspiration G&T xx
Sportitude $40 You're amazing Collette, wishing you luck for raising much needed funds and doing the trek!
Anonymous $50
Tracy davey $20 Good luck will be sending good vibes
Cass Galton $40 Go Collette - amazing cause and sending lots of love to you and the family xx
Natalie Brooks $25 Great work gorgeous! We wish you luck. It’s a great cause.
Anonymous $10 Amazing work ladies and Gent! ♥
Melissa Davis $40 Fantastic Collette xx
Anonymous $25 Good luck Collette. You will be great and such a great cause. Xx Love us both
Jade Morellato $50 You got this Collette! xx
Rebecca Carslake $100 Love and strength to you and your parents Collette. ❤️
Anonymous $50 Hope those achilles can hold out!
Sophia Degner $50 Go Collette xx
Nourished by JVD $20 I love seeing your passion for contributing to a great cause. Good luck!
Fiona Rossi $40 You’re amazing xx
Kay Anderson $50 Go Collette, you have done the training so time to cash out all you have put in the bank!
Anonymous $60 Amazing thing to do Collette. Goodluck! Simone and Pat xo
Nicola Moras $60
Amy Burgess $25 Amazing what your doing lovely you will smash it xx
John Brennan $120 Good luck Cuz - a great cause ????
Josh Glastonbury $25 So proud of you doing this for your Dad x
Eileen Ordish $50 We appreciate your huge effort ❤
Sep Giacobbe $20
Susan Lockwood $50 Well done sweetheart
Elease Aitken $20
Steve Dix $20
Anonymous $10 Do it for your dad girl.x
Eileen Ordish $50 Great to support you, all helps in trying to get the nessage out. ❤ ❤❤
Judy Salvemini $25 All the best Collette - great cause xx
Anonymous $25 Wishing you good luck and not too sore feet!!