
Raised so far

Our team is hiking to raise funds for the Jodi Lee Foundation and to raise awareness that early detection of bowel cancer saves lives.
We hope that our colleagues, family and friends take the time to consider any family history or symptoms of bowel cancer they may have and speak to their GP.

We appreciate any donation you can make to help the Jodi Lee Foundation to spread the word about early detection of bowel cancer.

Take the test, it might just save your life.


Name Amount Message
Michael Ede $300 Well done Kathryn
Fundraising Fundraising $100 Fundraising
Ben Green $30 Great work Narelle & Kathryn!
Brian Ly $20 Great work Kathryn!
ANZ $50 Great effort Ladies, wonderful that you are doing something meaningful to raise awareness .
Anonymous $50 Well done on the trek
Anonymous $40
Jenny Newton $100 Well done ladies!
Elizabeth Berglez $25 Well done Narelle & Kathryn
Jo Bentley $25 Well done Kathryn!
Anonymous $50 I expect you'll be walking back too :-)
Anonymous $20 Hope you're able to walk today!
Peta Guy $25 Go Kathryn!! ????
Catherine Pearce $40
Amanda Story $25 Legend Narelle - congratulations
Martina O’Connell $25 Well done Kathryn!
Diane Sinclair $40 Good work Kathryrn on your efforts Di & Jim
Michelle Cross $100
Michelle Cross $100
Sharon Parker $100 Tremendous effort Kathryn. Keep smiling!
Kerry Sutcliffe $50 Well done Kathryn. Keep smiling! Stay warm. Kerry xx
Kathryn Killmier $60 Hope your trek over the weekend goes really well. Great team effort in supporting an excellent cause.
Julian Bone $40 Go well Kathryn and Narelle. Good luck and best wishes for your trek from Sue and Julian.
Tanya Crawford $50 Go Ladies - you can do it!!! Stay dry and thank you for your incredible efforts fir a worthy cause!
Tanya Trewartha $25 Well done ladies, hope its not raining this year
Michael George $25 good luck fingers cross on the weather.
Nicole Adam $250
ANZ $25 Good Luck Kathryn always a great cause
Sarah Parker $100 Good luck! Thank you for so selflessly raising awareness.
Anonymous $100 Wonderful cause Kathryn
ANZ $40 Fantastic cause :-)
ANZ $100 We are here to support your continued efforts on this aspect!
Rob Pisano $30 Hope the weather is fine for the walk Narelle and Kathryn Thanks for your efforts in supporting this great cause.
Lisa Dutschke $25 Great way to help others and honor your Father's memory - He'd be so very proud - Well done Kath.
Brodie Lockhart $20 Good luck!!!
Theresa Vu $25 Amazing work ladies, goodluck for the trek (not that you'll need it) I'm sure you'll smash through it!!! Theresa
Kay Jeffree $40 Good luck with the Trek Narelle and Kathryn, wishing you all the best for the 2 days and hope you have fine weather.
Pauline Sawley $100 In memory of Rosalie, good luck from Mum
Liz Dessaur $30 Well done Kathryn.. super effort..again!! Lots of love from the Dessaur Family ????
Wade Cooper $50
Fundraising Fundraising $100 Fundraising
Byryn Bruce $25
Anonymous $25 Dear Narelle, Kathryn & Nicole, Great to see you supporting the JLF again and all the best for the trek. Take care. Stay safe. :D
Jamie Porter $50 Good luck!
Andrew Ferrier $50 Thanks for the invitation to join you both, but I'd rather do this :). Best of luck, hope the weather is kind to you.


Name Total
Kathryn Faggotter $1,640
Narelle Adam $50