I'm taking part in this event in the name of my Mother Diann who passed away 2 years ago to this day 12/2/17 and to raise awareness for bowel cancer prevention. It's a positive step for me, my family & most importantly for my own health and lifestyle as the last 2 years I have grieved with salt & vinegar chip sandwiches and no exercise. Mum would be pleased. Please donate for the love of Di if you can & take a poop test!!!!
Pippa Detmold
Awesome effort!
Dana and aaron Kurovec
All the best tomorrow hope the weather is kind to you all
Kids Camera Action
Hey Megs and Brooke, and Monica
Good luck with the trek. I had high hopes of doing it but alas, not to be. You are all inspiring though and I wish you all the best. Have a safe journey.
Love to you all and such a great way to commemorate the wonderful Di.
I won't make it to the Whaler's Inn either but I hope you have a restful night on Saturday, combined with a few drinks.xxxx Chloe
Meredith Ramsey
Megan DuBois
Cash given by Team Carter. Thanks so much Shan, Wazza and boys x