Team Tony's Angels are back and this time trekking 25km in the name of bowel cancer prevention.
Bowel cancer is the second most leading cause of cancer-related death in Australia, claiming 80 lives each week. If detected early, up to 90% of bowel cancers can be successfully treated. Making early detection so important, but so is prevention. This awful disease can be prevented with regular screening and leading a healthy lifestyle.
This is a cause that is very close to our hearts, having lost my beautiful Dad Tony to bowel cancer in August 2017. He was diagnosed at only 42 years of age, and was fit and healthy. He was only 51 when he died and did not get to live out the rest of his life as he so wished to. My Dad taught me to never take my health for granted, as without it we have nothing. He also taught me to be grateful for the small things in life. I miss him every day.
So, please, take the test when it comes your time, be aware of your family history and most importantly eat well, exercise and look after your body, it is the only one you get. And if you have a few dollars to spare to donate to this very worthy cause then we would greatly appreciate your support.
Love you, Dad. Hope you're walking with us.
Marisa Costanzo
Natalie Skinner
Nina and Michael
You go Glen Coco!
Cassie Scobie
Happy walking today Emma! Good luck xx
Dion Costanzo
Erica Sandgren
Matt Hamdorf
Dad would be proud. Xx
Paige North
Good luck Emma!
Martine Hatzi
Great job Emma! Good luck on Saturday :-)
Sarah Mikelsons
Go Emma!
Pieter Van enkhuyzen
Woohoo, go emma.
Vince & Anna Marotti
Keep up the good work Emma xx
Natalie Marotti
Katarina Jovanovic
Carlo Costanzo
Proud of you xx
Nathaniel Demarco
sharon esplin
Your Dad would be so proud of you and I'm sure he will be walking right by your side xx