Cancer is the scourge of our times. I am taking part in this walk because I have friends and family who have survived cancer, are battling cancer and succumbed to cancer. Some in their twenties, others in their thirties and forties and yet others in their seventies.
Cancer knows no age, gender or race. It can sneak up unexpectedly, wrecking havoc along the way.
Like most cancers, bowel cancer has a high rate of survival if detected early. Like a shadow in the night, bowel cancer may present no symptoms at the onset, hence the emphasis on screening test. The Jodi Lee trek is in support of the Jodi Lee foundation which runs programs to educate people in the community and at workplaces about bowel cancer and screening tests.
Please help me support this worthy cause because tomorrow it could be me.
kym symonds
All the best Beatrice!
Dutliff Bredenkamp
All the best Beatrice, enjoy it.
I am happy to contribute Beatrice - have fun on the walk
Peter Ragg
Good on you, Beatrice! I hope the walk goes well.
Mark Bailey
Go Beatrice - A great cause to support
Nat Campbell
Good luck Beatrice - a great cause.
Michelle Tracey
So proud of you for taking this on - hopefully we can kick cancer in the !!!!