Palmer’s Australia pledge to care for women’s bodies inside and out, which is why we have partnered with The Jodi Lee Foundation.
We are helping to spread the message about the importance of screening for the early detection of bowel cancer, and leading a healthy and active lifestyle to reduce risk.
We thank you for your support and sponsorship, and we look forward to the challenge that awaits us.
Paula White, Cate Blackman, Lisa-Marie Ennis, John Paul, Emma Clark, Jodie Goodwin, Tim Goodwin and Adrienne Niven.
Perks & Associates pty Ltd
We hope it was a succseful event! Well done
Linda Clark
Well done Emma and Team Palmer's Australia.
Linda Clark
Good Luck Emma and the rest of the Palmer's Team.
Rebecca Duthy
Good luck
Kellie Tilbrook
Good Luck Em and the rest of the team!
Donation of behalf of the Perks Casual Day Fundraising by Jodie Goodwin