I’m taking part in this event to raise awareness about preventing bowel cancer. This is a win win.
The Jodi Lee step challenge provides me with a goal I need to stay healthy and also do something for others by raising awareness of bowel cancer prevention among my family, friends and acquaintances and maybe even save a life.
There are enough hurdles in life as it is without bowel cancer. The sad fact is that this cancer can catch you out with no obvious symptoms until to late. However it is a cancer that can be prevented with awareness, screening and early detection. This awareness and taking a screening test does save lives.
If you have read this far then perhaps part of my raising awareness goal has already been achieved. Why not join me by way of a donation to help the Jodi Lee Foundation in their mission to raise awareness in other and help prevent bowel cancer.
I am a very irregular walker and not in the habit of walking every day so 10,000 steps a day for a month could prove to be quite a challenge for me!
Philip Hughes
Well done Steve for joining others in this worthwhile fund -raising event.