
Raised so far

A former Olympic rower, Tory Toogood has spent the last 15 years studying, working and raising a family. In 2011, Tory decided to do more for herself and for others. She transformed herself into a runner, shed almost 20 kg and ran in our New York Marathon team raising over $10,000 in the process - an incredible effort.

As a Principal Physiotherapist at Vital Core Physiotherapy and with a young family, Tory devised her own training program to fit her busy schedule. With a special interest in women's health, she speaks to women every day about their health, including any changes in their bowel habits, and helps them to be aware of their risk of bowel cancer and that regular screening can reduce that risk.

Tory is still running to raise awareness about bowel cancer and the importance of early detection. Her goal is to run 7 marathons on 7 continents. So far she has run:

New York Marathon (November 2011) in 3:50 hrs

The Great Wall Marathon (May 2012) in 6:10 hrs

Adelaide Marathon (August 2012) in 3:56 hrs

Kilimanjaro (March 2013) in 3:59 hrs

Amsterdam (October 2013) in 3:42 hrs

Antarctica (March 2014) in 4:48 hrs

An absolutely remarkable achievement!

In between marathons, Tory has also completed two Yurrebilla Trails - a 56km Ultra Marathon through the Adelaide hills - and a 12 hr running event during which she pumped out another 104.25 kms.

Tory was set to complete her 7th marathon at Caracas in February 2014, unfortunately the event cancelled but stay tuned!

You can follow Tory's progress on her facebook page here and her website at www.torytoogood.com.au which is full of information on bowel cancer awareness, general health and preventative medicine.


From Amount Message
Arthur J. Gallagher $50
Walkaholics $20
Patricia O'Grady $100 Good luck Kim from the O'Gradys
Larry King $20
Zina Sutton $25
Tory Toogood $20
Ghenossis Family $20
Celeste Stephens $13 Congratulations. All the best xxx
Jacqueline Kopacz $10
Andrea White $10
Pongrapee Thongsrinoon $20 Your last hurrah Patrick! PS nice cause...
Chris Adams $150
Andrea Clark $20 Go Lachlan Jones ... do it for my Dad, DJ Clark, who I lost to Bowel Cancer.
JOHN LORENZI $25 Nice work Belinda! Well done, great effort, great cause!
Terry & Bron Murch $50
Gallagher Bassett $100 Best of the luck Natalie, Karen and the team!
Carol Yuet Y Cheong $70 Great job, thank you for caring for others
Elaine D'Sena $50
Patricia Pitman $100
Birdwood Grain & Fodder $20 RIP Tracey Lee, I am sure she is watching from above and is proud of the achievements in saving future lives.
Anthony Weber $50
John Ascione $50 Go boner!
Beach Energy $25
Jeremy Caust $25 Good luck Stella Chubb.
Woodpend $100 Donation for the Lend Lease team from Woodpend Hardware
Scott Salisbury Homes - Charity Fund $150
Clint Bortfield $20
Tory Toogood $100
Tory Toogood $20
daniel connell $50 good on you Georgie lots of love
Katheine Giezekamp $50 Go G Star!!!!
Geoff Munzberg $20 Donation to support David Cook
Tory Toogood $135 Chocolate sales!
Team Sprout $200
Jenene Pender $50 You are one of life's little treasures Georgi C, and I'm blessed to be your friend. Run like the wind xx
Anna Tree $60 Go Tory go! Sorry you can't do Caracas because of the civil unrest. I hope the Antarctic marathon goes really well - I look forward to the report on it - I imagine it will be amazing!!
Mary Safe $30 Love your spirit and passion for a great cause Tory. May the wind be at your back! Warmest wishes, Mary & Denis Safe and Amy , in spirit.
Jenny Toogood $100
Tory Toogood $120 Chocolate sales
Tory Toogood $20 Go Tory!
Tory Toogood $40 Thank you for your inspiring talk today!
Tory Toogood $635 Movie Night Fundraiser
Darpo $50 Great work Tory.
Sadie Cranston $100 Only a true Trail Queen can rock a tutu at Yurrebilla. Go Torz! From Sadie and Jon
Tory Toogood $264 chocolate sales!
Serje Robidoux $100
David Close $100 I hope that Tory manages to raise thousands of $ for such a good cause.
Swashbucklers Club $42 Go Tory! Have an awesome time and well done for raising money for such a great cause along the way.
Felicity Salkeld $25 Great work Tory - all the best!
Francesca Ho $25 Hi Tory - thank you so much for coming to our Mother's group and giving us such great advice! Best of luck! Francesca and baby Jack.
Theresa Soroka $20 Thanks for the advice at our mother's group this week - i'm doing my PF exercises as I'm typing this! Good luck with everything :-)
Ana Sala-Oviedo $35 You are an inspiration!
Heidi Rilstone $20 Thank you so much for speaking at our mothers group. Very beneficial and informative. You're an inspiring woman!
Sarah Rice $50 Thankyou for your very interesting and informative talk today, and best of luck with your marathon!
Deanne Inglis $20 Good luck on Kilimanjaro!! Your goals are inspirational. Our Mother's group looks forward to your post-natal exercise advice :)
Sarah Hughes $20 Hi Tory, Wow. What an amazing achievement! Looking forward to hearing same advice from you on Monday and hopefully some inspiration to get back into exercise. Sarah
Doug Smart $30 Hi Tory, I have read all about you and your endeavours, very impressive. I hope the Kilomanjara run is a great success for you. Great work. Doug
Tory Toogood $100 You are doing a great job promoting the cause
Meegan Brougham $25 keep up the good work Tory, you're doing an awesome job for a worthy cause....
Yogafusion $200 Your quest makes a difference in the life of others! Inspiring and wishing you much success.